What you are seeing in this image are many different colorful blurry spots.This aesthetically called in Japan, Bokeh.All we know that Japan is the country where technology is nothing more than an innovation,they create every gadget in a jiffy.The major leading camera rivals Canon and Nikon are from the land of Japan.So,Bokeh must have to come from Japan.As a photography buff i tried my hand in this new aesthetic photography art.I know it is not the ultimate quality and result of my dabbling in Bokeh.
Anybody like me who engage their time in photography more than necessary can get the result easily and the interesting fact of Bokeh will grab their attention very easily,it doesn't mean that i am discouraging others.I know they like more watching than snapping excellent pics .Anyone who owns basic digital camera at least contains aperture mode or manual mode definitely will get success in inventing Bokeh for oneself for the first time.
Technique for creating Bokeh-You must have the subject which will contain many spotty but bright lights and you will get more appealing and excellent bokeh depending on the fact of spotty lights' vastness as a subject.Switching to aperture mode or manual mode make the aperture value to the lowest available in your camera.It is best to use manual focusing for adjusting the focal length than using macro mode.In macro mode you have to focus your subject again and again for keeping the spotty lights out of focus.Finally adjusting the above-mentioned setting you set in your journey for Bokeh and establish your expertness in this new department of photography.